The Virtual tab Window Manager 5.5.0

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The vtwm family tree

1985 X10R3
1986 X10R4
1987 X11R1
1988 twm awm
1989 X11R4 swm ------------------|
1990 | |-- dwim(1)
| vtwm(2) ------|
1991 X11R5 tvtwm -----| | |
1992 piewm --| | 5.0 |------------------ ctwm
1993 | | 9.4 5.1 |-- fvwm |
| | | | | |
| | gamma(3) -- 5.2 -- 5.2b | | |
1994 X11R6 | | | 5.3 | | 3.1
1995 | pl11 | | | 2.0 -- fvwm95 |
1997 | | 5.4.2 | | | |
1998 1.03 | | | | |
1999 | | | | | 3.5.2
2001 | 5.4.6 | 2.4.8 2.0.43 |
2005 | 5.4.7 | | | 2.6.0
2006 1.04 | | | | 3.7.0
2007 X11R7.3 | | | 2.4.20 | 3.8.a

(1) Distributed as a patch
(2) The time-space continuum denies
VTWM's birth - this marks 3.0
(3) Maintained by and for M.I.T.

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